Tuesday, September 2, 2008

GOP Absurdity


I can't stop giggling at this absurdity!

Mind you, it's not a good giggle.
It is a unsettling nervous giggle (a reflex really) borne of incredulity.

How does the world's beacon of democracy arrive at a point where THIS INCREDULOUS TRIPE becomes the focus during a PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN?

Am I dreaming?
Have all the day-time Soap writers taken jobs as GOP strategists?

What the hell is next?

The way things are going,... it would surprise not a bit if any minute now a machete wielding Martin Sheen entered stage left to put an end to this Kurtzonian Circus.

"...the horror, the horror,..."

Posted by: BeerBellyBuddah | September 2, 2008 4:22 PM

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