Monday, September 1, 2008

Full Dislcosure

Still trying to figure out how a BLOG works - a strange world for sure!
In the interests of full disclosure and as an exercise to see if I can 'cut & paste' into a Post - I am placing all my recent ramblings from the WaPo (Washinton Post) site.

Apologize in advance for those (all?) that are inane. For originals see:

Comment on: Opening Day Is Abbreviated; Bush, Cheney Won't Appear at 9/1/2008 2:15 AM EDT

GOP operative, Rich Galen, is quoted as saying:

"From the purely political standpoint, this gives Republicans an opportunity to demonstrate to people that they have common sense," he said. "If in fact people are going to suffer horrors, we are not going to be up here in funny hats, dancing and making it like nothing is going on."

Surely, would it not be better if the GOP just stopped trying to figure out how (in the face of Gustav)to min/max the coverage of their convention and simply got on with the business at hand?

Of course, Gustav cannot be ignored. But it should NOT BE ALLOWED to become a political plot device. Grown-ups must deal with trials and tribulations without allowing themselves to become derailed.


Does Mr. McCain not realize? -- The whole point of the convention is to prove he has the gravitas to govern - in good times or bad. So do it.

Nobody will vote for a possible-POTUS who allows an external (albeit tragic) event to so easily derail his sense of purpose and commitment to the democratic process.
McCain, you must 'Stand and Deliver' as planned.

Anything less will prove you are unfit to govern.

Comment on: Collateral Killing at 8/31/2008 12:07 AM EDT

There is only one solution to minimize the loss of civilian life from errant air strikes.


Comment on: The Picture Of Negligence at 8/31/2008 12:01 AM EDT

huh? Somebody actually tracks these sort of editorial indiscretions? Talk about 'leisure time'.

Comment on: The Post's Indecent Exposure at 8/30/2008 11:55 PM EDT

A 'tit'? Your wasting time complaining about a 'tit'? Surely to goodness Mrs. Reeder you must have more important things to fret about than a simple 'tit'!!!

How about the US 'defic-tit'?

Comment on: Small Change From Obama at 8/30/2008 11:46 PM EDT

Patience Mr. Broder. With two months of campaigning ahead of us, I am sure the man you once saw will emerge again. He just has to free himself from the clutches of the 'status-quo' DNC handlers who believe they know the message of the man better than the man himself?

As another once said: "patience is a virtue for which daily columnists have use." Patience, Mr. Broder.

Comment on: The Mush in California's Middle at 8/30/2008 11:36 PM EDT

Dearest Georgie Boy,

What's-a-matter? Your tie getting too tight? Was the circulation to your elite noggin' temporarily cut off in the wake of the Palin Paradox? Unable to muster a learned GOP clarion call for unrestrained support?

Using California to denigrate the merits of 'post-partisanship' on a national scale is a weak construct. Never have I witnessed anyone so intent on proving that mutual respect and accommodation has no place in governance. Petty-bugger, you wouldn't know true 'post-partisanship' if its erect robust legislative phallus slapped you in the center of your flaccid forehead.

Moreover, everybody knows California politics has never recovered from the Reagan debacle!

Take a break Georgie, like Stella, you gotta get your grove back.

Comment on: Sounds Nice, But Will It Get Votes? at 8/30/2008 11:33 PM EDT

"Postpartisanship" is this how it is spelled now? My Bad... I've been using hyphens.

Its spelling aside; at least your assessment of its potential pitfalls is more nuanced than poor Mr. Will's. But you are still both wrong- the term does not denote an end to differences - it merely nudges legislators, (the bakers) to seek a common recipe. No one seriously expects they will always be trying to bake the same cake! But, at least they'll be working together in the kitchen.

Comment on: Continuing Deception at 8/30/2008 10:42 PM EDT

Now, this what an 'editorial page' should be!

The forthright way the issue is handled is what readers (regardless of political stripe) once expected from the Post.

Trust you will continue to exhibit the same kind of Gonadal Gravitas in the coming weeks and not forget to hold Obama's Campaign to the same standard.

The polity can only but benefit should such 'straight-talk expressions' become the norm in this paper again.

Comment on: A Heartbeat Away From Cynicism at 8/30/2008 2:51 PM EDT

Mrs. Marcus,

As an ardent and perennial critic of your column, I must admit I was taken aback by your reasoned and even handed treatment of the Palin Paradox.

Well done. Shall endeavour to read future offerings with more care just in the (unlikely) event that I have been too critical of you in the past.

Who knows, maybe this is the first example of a 'new way' of doing [& interpreting] politics?

Comment on: Makeover Model for McCain at 8/30/2008 12:52 PM EDT

"Let's assume that John McCain is not crazy..."

Well, that's the crux of the problem isn't it?

Looking at the man's eyes and his forced smile yesterday as he was introducing Mrs. Palin... I have to admit that was exactly the question that came to mind.

Problem is: the answer matters. Is he, or isn't he?

Comment on: Obama The Orthodox at 8/30/2008 12:34 PM EDT

"...opportunities were lost."

Odd that a facile partisan such as Gerson would lament the this fact?

What's next, a rueful column on the missed opportunities of Obama's populist appeal?

Mr. Gerson, as usual your partisan proffering lacks class; but at least it can be used it to wipe my ...

Comment on: Mr. McCain's Choice at 8/30/2008 12:53 AM EDT

Well, McCain has made his choice.
This coming week the GOP will get a chance to prove it was a wise. (How they will pull it off...God only knows?)

Yet, would it be too much to ask that a truce be called - - that the petty-partisan bickering and unfounded character assassinations of poor Mrs. Palin abate before, at the very least, we have SOME facts.

Admittedly, watching Gov. Palin today did give one an uneasy feeling. Kinda like seeing a doe caught in the headlights on some faraway Alaskan highway. And, granted, it is entirely possible that Mysterio McCain has lost his mind.

Nevertheless. Surely, all we have to do is wait for her Veep speech to make a reasoned assessment. Let's take five in our vitriol til then.

After all, lest we forget, November 4th is about electing a US PRESIDENT- not a Veep! Thus, the choice should be clear... Obama. Insofar as possible, the poor innocent Bambi should be left alone. After all, its not her fault she got sucked into this, as clearly McCain had to raid the northern forests to find someone oblivious to the fact of what they were being asked to do!!!

Comment on: Tax. Spend. Create Great Jobs. at 8/29/2008 11:08 AM EDT

Salient, relevant and 'bang-on'! The myth of Republican economics has gone unchallenged for too long.

Comment on: The Perfect Stranger at 8/29/2008 10:49 AM EDT

Once again, thanks for the turgid drivel.

Obama "is a stranger"?
Your entire premise lacks foundation.
No man in the history of American politics has received more ink or been subject to such an unrelenting gauntlet of personal prying than Obama. If, after two years of this kind of examination some people still don't 'know' the man -- well, one can only assume, they must be illiterate.

Again, thanks so much, I can always rely on your baseless venom to facilitate my morning bowel movement.

Comment on: The Devils in His Details at 8/28/2008 11:45 AM EDT

Holy-meandering missive Batman!

Today’s offering begins with a Jesus analogy intended to smear Obama with a ‘false messiah’ tag. Then it moves lithely to a Socratic comparison hoping to taint Obama with a sophist tag; all the while equating liberal oration (and only liberal oration) with a diet of ‘empty’ intellectual calories.

Switching gears, Mr. Will, then invokes the bogeyman of a yet to be established threat (Iran) and the real one posed by Russia and proceeds to dismiss the role of “diplomacy” as a poor substitute for more inflammatory actions. Of course, this leaves Wee Wild Will with an opportunity to what? To resurrect the call for a ‘Star Wars’ solution to what is primarily an earthly problem.

Moving on, Will then criticizes Obama’s intellectual capacity by saying he lacks the ability to understand that money alone will not solve America’s educational problems and, further, that Obama is incapable of rationalizing a workable free trade policy in light of the current US economic crisis.

Then, Will indulges in his favourite pastime by launching a sordid and reprehensible defence of Exxon’s prized and protected place within the existing tax code. Presumably, he is unaware that the very fact a single corporation “pays almost as much” in taxes “as the bottom 50 percent” of American workers is exactly what is wrong with the US economy. How can a democratic country of 300 million abide by a system that allows such a concentration of wealth to accrue to a single company while the average American worker has seen their wage fall these past eight years?

Following up Georgie Boy then pooh-pooh’s the very notion of alternative energy. Of course, he would, - wouldn’t he? As any successful foray into this area would only cut into the profits of the likes of Exxon.

The failings of NATO are then identified in a vacuum. Surprisingly(?) Will refrains from placing any blame for the current state of affairs where it actually belongs: at the feet of the bumbling biped who has occupied the Oval Office these past eight years. Instead, he warns, it is up to Obama to deal with this particular issue.

Apparently, there is a very real risk world affairs will not be addressed in tonight’s speech!! Really Mr. Will? Do you really think it has escaped Mr. Obama that he must demonstrate a firm grasp of the challenges facing America in the realm of foreign affairs. Do you really think he is unaware that a failure to do so, of course, “will speak volumes”??? Was there ever a chance the topic would be overlooked?

Again... Holy-meandering missive Batman.
Mr. Will, is not possible for you to crawl under a rock in an Exxon drilling field for the next 10 weeks so we may be spared your inane articulations concerning superfluous constructs and “matters barely remembered a week later”. Please?

Comment on: Don't Underestimate the Moment at 8/27/2008 2:07 PM EDT

Pitiable, just pitiable.

In his closing sentence, Mr. Gerson avers: "Obama should not underestimate his moment -- or squander it."!!!

Oh yeah! Oh, wonderful! Just e'fn glorious! As my son says: 'Freaking amazing'!!!

Mr. Gearson, kindly, please, pretty please, pretty-pretty please(?), enlighten us as to what bleeding, self evident, Black Hole you subscribe? Your powers of observation are clearly enhanced. The rest of we 'mere mortals' don't compare.

You are absolutely right!

Undoubtedly Mr. Obama fails to see the import of his acceptance address. Indeed, one can only but assume he has 'underestimated [t]his moment'.

Blessed-it-be-to-Buddha! You have saved the day!

Thanks for reminding Mr. Obama he should not 'squander' his opportunity? Surely, without your prescient powers of observation there was a real risk he would do exactly that as the imperative of the moment has obviously never occurred to him!

Mr. Gerson, have you been struck by idiot-lightening? Observations such as yours, surely, never strike more than once.

Well you limp-political noodle? Will you allow your two boys to read this? If, for no other reason than to demonstrate that "some men" dispute Daddy's legitimacy.

Comment on: Clinton to Take Stage in Praise of Obama's Candidacy at 8/26/2008 4:09 PM EDT

Politics and Family Matters: What Hillary Must Do.

Tonight's address by Mrs. Clinton to the DNC faithful gathered in Denver has been much talked about. Perhaps too much?

The task at hand is really not that complex. The mission should be clear. A seasoned mature politician must speak to her political family. Albeit a family still suffering from some real (but mostly petty)divisions.

Formerly a contender for the keys to the Democratic Kingdom, Mrs. Clinton must now acknowledge that they now belong to Obama. Further, she must unequivocally aver that they belong to him by virtue of a wholly legitimate democratic primary process. Perhaps not one that all her supporters agreed with; but a legitimate process nonetheless.

Then she must do the that go one step further. She must assume the mantle of, not the Democratic Party's grand old lady, but rather its knowing 'den mother' - she must extol her erstwhile supporters to drop their opposition to the idea of an Obama presidency. A family, she must say, gets past these things. A family built on common values, she must say, must pull together in the face of those who would seek to divide it. A family she must say, that fights and then stays together can achieve miracles.

And then, and only then should she go after McCain. Not McCain the man, but the 'idea' of the man, the disease of his party, and the horror of its legacy.

Tonight, this is all she need do; and she is ideally suited to do so.
It's really nothing more than a simple case of 'Stand & Deliver'.

Comment on: The Bush Convention at 8/25/2008 5:00 PM EDT

of course the issue should be Bush! How could it be otherwise?

Comment on: African Americans Exult in Historic Leap at 8/25/2008 3:25 PM EDT

The article anchors itself to the premise that great significance should be tied to Mr. Obama’s acceptance speech because it's slated to coincide 45 years (to the day) since the immortal echoes of “I Had a Dream”.

True, the potential for historical twinning is unmistakable. The parallel's are unavoidable.

Be aware, it is also the anniversary of:
-1349: 6,000 Jews are killed in Mainz, accused to be the cause of the plague;
-1565: St. Augustine, Florida founded.
-1862: Second Battle of Bull Run;
-1916: Germany declares war on Romania;
-1916: Italy declares war on Germany;
-1917: Ten suffragists arrested at White House;
-1924: Georgia stages Uprising against the USSR;
-1961: Motown releases "Please Mr. Postman";
-1963: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech;
-1964: The Philadelphia race riot begins;
-1968: Riots in DNC Chicago convention;
-1979: The CDC announce high incidence of a disease in gay men soon to be recognized as a new immune disorder,AIDS;
-1982: The first Gay Games are held in San Francisco;
-1990:Iraq claims Kuwait as its newest province;
-1991:Ukraine declares independence from USSR;
-1991:Mikhail Gorbachev resigns;
-1996:Charles and Diana are divorced;
-2008: a man, a Black man (should that really matter?) must give the speech of his American life.

As you can see, assigning too much importance to the date is 'mixed bag'- ripe for partisan bias and misinterpretation. Placing too much focus and too many expectations on Mr. Obama to meet the level and stature of Mr. King's 'Dream' speech may be over-reaching?

But if it cannot rise to that level - No matter.... as long as it is the TRUTH.

After the last eight years, all anybody really wants to hear pass the lips of a 'to be' Commander in Chief is TRUTH.

Godspeed Mr. Obama.

Comment on: Mr. Obama's Show at 8/25/2008 12:43 PM EDT

Dear WaPo,

If the postings here are indicative of the "current state of the debate" in your America - I feel very sorry for your polity.

Clearly, today's examples should serve as a clarion call for a complete over-haul of the US education system (no matter who wins in November). How else does one explain the plethora of myopic, reactionary, irrationally-biased petty opinions now being exhibited by the cranially-challenged on both sides of the party divide. These extraneous drippings of sophomoric sputum are littering your landscape; detracting from the real issues, devoid of substance, and regrettable.

At the end of this campaign, many of the more verbose, insecure, and vile 'posters' will have to look in a mirror and ask themselves: "What price dignity?" And, for many, that will be the moment they'll realize that - theirs was soiled & sold too cheaply.

Comment on: What Biden Brings With Him at 8/25/2008 9:45 AM EDT

At 8:45:16 a racist (whom I refuse to dignify by citing his tag) asked the following:

"95% of BLACKS voted for Barack Hussein Obama. ... would I be a racist if I proposed the following slogan, -

The answer, quite simply, is YES, YES, YES.

The disservice such a vile post does to the credibility of socially conscious GOP supporters astounds.
Yet, curiously, none of them have taken the time to disavow the legitimacy of this kind of discourse.


Has hyper-partisanship in this campaign reached such a point that reasoned people are afraid to confront the 'disease within' their own parties?

Whether one is left or right, rich or poor, or black or white; surely the time has come for people (regardless of political stripe) to speak out against this venom?

Comment on: Homeland Security Comes to Vermont at 8/24/2008 2:36 AM EDT

Somebody here posted at "1:16:44 PM" that he was a Canada "fan" but wished we would take our "immigration rules a little more seriously" and "weren't so PC hog-tied vis a vis their growing Islamist problem."

Well, while glad he is a 'fan' of Canada, I wish he were also a 'student'.

Please, as a 45 year-old 'born-n-bred' Canadian, can somebody tell me what "Islamist Problem" he is thinking about? As my Islamist immigrant next-door is currently soundly with his wife and three little ones safely tucked away for the night - I cannot presently ask him to enlighten me on the scope and depth of this problem. I am at a loss.

Perhaps, if I arise early enough this morning, I can catch him before he rushes off to work for his early shift.

Then I will say: "Dr. Z., can you tell me anything about the 'Islamist Problem'?" He will laugh. I will laugh. And then we will laugh together. Soon he will be off to spend 12 hours in my local ER Hospital treating any and all; Christians, Buddhists, Taoists and Atheists in need of help.

What Islamist Problem? What we have here in Canada is a chance to fix the 'Human' problem - i.e. irrational stereotyping.

Comment on: Homeland Security Comes to Vermont at 8/24/2008 2:10 AM EDT

As a Canadian I fully understand the desire of my southern neighbour to secure his house. And, to be clear, I do not begrudge him his legitimate efforts to exercise this fundamental right.

But I did have to laugh at the
blanket assertion by the Champlain patrol agent that US border protection "strategy is the same throughout the nation."
Strategy is one thing: realization of policy is another.

Have you ever seen parts of the shared ONE-THOUSAND-FIVE-HUNDRED-THIRTY-EIGHT MILE LONG BORDER separating Alaska from my fair land?

Surely he was only talking about the lower 48- not really the entire "nation"?

Comment on: Mr. Cool And the Brawlers at 8/24/2008 1:25 AM EDT

Good piece.

If there is to be a "new way of doing politics" under Mr. Obama - then I fervently hope he spends some time in his convention speech denouncing 'hyper-partisanship' not by attacking the GOP, but rather by throwing down a fair yet firm gauntlet at the feet of Pelosi & co. that dares them to abandon their instinctive, reflexive and combative stances in favour of getting the doable done regardless of who they have to 'do it' with.

Comment on: Little Rhetoric Riding Hood at 8/24/2008 1:09 AM EDT

Dear Mr. Will,

Knew I shouldn't have read this until after I had had a good night's sleep.

Your sad, sordid brand of political blind bias against 'the other' seemingly knows no bounds.

Admittedly Mr. Obama needs to flesh out the details for a new US energy policy. Indeed, he will likely bring tax-fairness to the American worker and in doing so raise taxes on those who pull your strings.

But, really, I mean really... does that mean the everything Mr. Obama says is a "fairy-tale promise" reeking of disinformation full of "messianism, deranged self-importance and delusional economics"? Surely these have traditionally been the the exclusive property of the Republican right-wing. Are you really trying to tell us that Mr. Obama is usurping the GOP campaign's modus-operandi? Strange, very strange.

Thanks for providing the fodder for yet another nightmare wherein I awake and live on a continent run by F.G.Will and his ilk! Oh, the horror...

Comment on: Where Paternalism Makes the Grade at 8/21/2008 9:49 AM EDT

Months ago, in "Education Lessons We Left Behind" on 04/24/08, George F. Will reflected on the core obstacle facing the education system in the US.

Citing 1966's Coleman report on education which "concluded that the qualities of the families from which children come ... matter much more than money ...[and that] The crucial common denominator of problems of race and class -- fractured families -- would have to be faced." He hit upon a useful observation deserving of serious debate.

Unfortunately, he did not pursue it.

In the ensuing 32 years since Coleman (16 under Republicans, 16 under Democratic Administrations) little has changed.

Curiously, on this good August morn', Mr. Will feels justified in laying all the blame for the ongoing systemic problems facing US education at the feet of dastardly "liberals"!

Clearly, he believes Republicans are innocent of any moral culpability for the continuance of the lamentable status-quo. Shame.

While "liberals" are certainly guilty of some shortcomings in their approach to education- Republican policy makers are equally at fault.

Yet, clinging to the halcyon days of "Ozzie & Harriet"- Will is incapable of offering a balanced opinion on the issue. Again, shame.

Mayhap, if he were to take a long hard ideological look in the mirror he would see that the US right has failed the nation's children. A Republican re-tooling is needed; and, it must start by placing a greater emphasis on the future of the polity and it's struggling pupil population first. It needs to commit to social-investment in early child development programs- and it needs to avoid the fanciful pre-occupation it has with privatization of the public school system until, at the very least, a proper social foundation is built upon which all children can thrive- regardless of race, class, or 'liberal' influences.

Of course, in a blindly partisan column bereft of balance... it would be folly to hope that the ever erudite Mr. Will will reconsider his position. Pity.

Comment on: Pastor Rick's Test at 8/20/2008 2:14 AM EDT

Excellent article.

232 years ago the promise of the new American political and social experiment was, at its core, one of freedom. A secular state, removed from the dictates of any and all religious canons is a sacred thing. Thanks for reminding us.

Comment on: 'CSI's' 'Professor' Fishburne Has A Lot to Learn at 8/19/2008 12:03 PM EDT
Oops! Read this column under the mistaken impression it might have something to offer. "My Bad" - clearly the author has mastered the art of 'fluff' but not the skill of 'substance'.

Comment on: A Race McCain Could Win at 8/17/2008 4:49 AM EDT
Rarely do I post twice. However, I believe I was too harsh in my assessment that Mr. Will is indeed smoking pot. Mea-culpa.

A careful re-reading of Mr. Will's argument leads me to believe it is more likely he is suffering from a bad dose of "Republican Bitteritus": whereby the afflicted long for the return of the Cold War status-quo. How else does one explain why a sane grown man would advance an argument that an ornery 3am response that risks war with an established nuclear power is an acceptable price for the American people to pay - as long as it helps Republican fortunes at the polls in November?

Comment on: A Race McCain Could Win at 8/17/2008 3:50 AM EDT
It's now official: George Will should stop smoking all the "weed from the unkempt garden of his political thinking" in an effort to spare the rest of us from his "mere attitudinizing redeemed by insincerity"!

Holy crap- only a pot smoker would deign to foist this garbage on innocent readers.

Comment on: Memo From a Poison Penn at 8/16/2008 12:01 PM EDT
"dac04 wrote:
colbert king is a racist
colbert king preachs a racist dialog
colbert king ... [drivel, drivel, drivel]"

Recently, there has been much ado over the treatment of 'retards' by screen actors in a just released movie. Apparently, the debate has focused on whether one should play a 'retard' 'all the way' or if they should finesse the characterization.

Thanks to the obviously pitiable and cranially challenged Dac04 we see the downside when one opts to portray 'a retard ...all the way' in text.

Comment on: 'We Are All Georgians'? Not So Fast. at 8/16/2008 11:46 AM EDT
Blessed Buddha! At last, cognizant clarity coupled with measured observations! One can only hope the 'bug' of such balanced and reflective reporting is catching - are you listening George Will? Lesser scribes at the Post could only benefit from this example. Time well spent- well e'ffn done.

Comment on: The Next Memo at 8/14/2008 4:10 PM EDT
Mr. Dionne:

I make the following observations re: today's offering.

1. "here we are, still fascinated with Bill and Hillary Clinton" - Really,... indeed, nostalgia is a wonderful thing.... precisely because there is no turning back. It is either an exercise of fond remembrance, or, one based on bitterness. Either way, there is no turning back.

2. "Clinton mania" - 1992 was a long time ago. The promise of the original 'mania' ( long ago soiled by a blue dress and the meaning of "If") was lost. Nothing more than moderate management and the preservation of the status-quo... it was undone by the crimson stained soil in Rawanda and Serbia.

3. While the Clinton's may have a certain aptitude for coming out on top in a "Jets-and-Sharks knife fight" - Obama has a bigger blades to worry about. Surely, the days of highly choreographed democratic knife-fights is over? Was 14 months too short a time to get past all this?
Moreover, Obama has no time to worry about "moving the Clintons gently offstage and seizing control of a party whose nomination he won fair and square." He won it, he deserves it.... they lost.
Christ, can't anybody lose below the 49th without feeling the need for special acknowledgement! Here, in Canada, where we have yet to win a 'single' medal in Beijing! - we have mastered the art of accepting uncomfortable outcomes. Can't Clinton supporters see there is no upside to their wielding blunt bitter-blades against reality: the sun will indeed rise after the convention and Mr. Obama will still be deserving of the nomination?

4. "Bill Clinton is clearly put out." - Oh, what to say about this one? Time he got over himself? Relaxed? Maybe, got his pipe (cigar?) cleaned? He had his shot a greatness. Firing blanks in Rawanda, coming late in Serbia, impotent in Sudan - he soiled the chances of his erstwhile replacement by targeting female garments.
Stop pouting. Grow up Billy. Thankfully, this time the future of 300 million souls depends on the promise and integrity of somebody else. Get over yourself.

5. "Obama has not been respectful enough of the Clintons and their historical contributions." - Time for that later. History is in the past.... he's running for the future.

6. "Much depends upon whether she can now persuade her followers to grant Obama's nomination a legitimacy that her own campaign worked so hard to deny him." - If she has the integrity to do so.... this should not be a problem.

In closing, reading prurient speculation and commentary that is too much a fixture of Democratic politics. Wouldn't it be nice this time; if Bill acted with class and Hillary (as she is most perfectly capable of doing) did the right thing by affirming that the enemy "is not within we- he is McCain".

Comment on: Russia's Power Play at 8/12/2008 4:49 AM EDT
Egad, Will.

At last you hit on a good topic... only to wobble, stumble and fumble the textual ball all over again.

Blessed-Buddha, was it not enough that we were treated to your meandering and weak "Springfield" article/debacle already this week?

Let's see what does the reader learn from today's "Russia Power Play"?

1: Brit PM Harold MacMillan once made an interesting observation you have waited 40 years to use to make the point that 'events' influence actions! Wow.

2: That everything that has transpired to date in the current US presidential campaign is "trivial". Curiously, most of your punditry this year has focused on nothing else. Except last month's 'beer' article, of course.

3: Russia, like America will do whatever it takes to control what it views as recalcitrant nation states in its backyard. Anyone remember "Operation Urgent Fury" (Grenada)? The US invaded using exactly the same rational that Putin is using now: Protection of one's nationals.

4: Putin is a stone cold hard persona whose eyes Bush did not misread- Bush merely didn't have the balls years ago to push Russia to acknowledge the legitimacy of the former USSR countries along its border.

5: George Will hates Bill Richardson. Rightly or wrongly, he fears a Latino on a Democratic ticket will cost Republicans needed votes come November. While probably correct that Mr. Richardson is a lightweight - could not the 'character assassination' have waited until you opted to resurrect the dark ethnic cleansing episodes (a la your Springfield template) along the southern border during the "Punitive Expedition" the US waged against Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution?

5: The UN is a weak, neutered and discredited organization. Wow, see what happens when the preeminent Superpower lies to all UN members about WMD's in a pale effort to get a rubber stamp on it's Iraq action. That was the last nail in its woeful coffin... nobody expects anything from it anymore...

6: John McCain needs dictators like Putin in order to give his campaign some 'oomph' ... too bad the Georgian people are dying in the meantime.

7: August is an odd month. Some historical events tend to occur in August!
Your chronic propensity to inject odd-observations that detract from and confuses your point simply astounds.
Of course August is a weird month... aren't they all?

7: NATO membership may have made the difference. Doubtful, see how some of our piss-ant partners are doing everything they can in Afghanistan to avoid getting their Khaki's dirty.

8: The Olympics, "Triumph of the Will", god is there no end...

George, when will you start sticking to one tangent? How about you try making a learned point for once unencumbered with minutia ... surely the Russian/Georgian fiasco deserves analysis based on clarity without partisan digs at a former New Mexican governor.

9: Mr. Will needs another holiday.

Comment on: Bush's Georgian Betrayal at 8/11/2008 2:40 PM EDT
What does it matter if Bush was 'monkeying around', feeding a monkey or spanking one when Russia attacked Georgia?

Fact is, Putin is a dictator bent on increasing Russia's sphere of influence. Bush can say/do little that will deter the action... he doesn't have the gravitas required. No credibility.

Putin will win this diplomatic charade hands down... another fledgling democracy will bite the dust as George keeps fiddling...more concerned with domestic optics than constructive action.

Pity. What would Jesus do?

Comment on: A Long Road Out of Springfield at 8/10/2008 12:14 PM EDT
Well done Will. A fine piece of reactionary drivel masquerading as historical observation,...well done.

I too have faith in "history's essential promise" that periodically (through natural causes) purges the culture of tired old oracles such as yourself.

Another meandering trip down memory road... increasingly I find your text to be both specious and pointless.

Too bad you were unable to prevail and convince 'The Post' to sprinkle background photos of the maimed, murdered and tortured souls from 1908 throughout the narrative with an Obama image in the foreground! Such imagery was all that was missing! I mean, and please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't that what you really wanted to do? Wasn't your point to use the dark history of race crimes as a foil which would allow you to be sensational, graphic and pointless all at once.

Again Will... well done... you tired transparent Goldwater elitist.

Comment on: Why Are We Whispering? at 8/9/2008 10:34 AM EDT
Klavan closes with: "Conservative artists can't battle this state of affairs with silence or secrecy. They must create -- with courage, openness and honesty. These are the tools of both conservatism and art. With them, we can take the culture back."

Of course the Bush Administration's failure to exhibit either moral courage, openness or honesty in its dealings with the American people these past eight years may explain why some well-meaning conservatives feel the need to whisper.
It is borne of embarrassment.

As for "taking the culture back" - Well one can only hope 'the culture' is strong enough to rebuff attempts by any and all ideologues (right or left) to hold it hostage.

re: the creation of 'conservative art'- go ahead... please. Be aware though- Art is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder wants to be challenged - not indoctrinated.

Comment on: Pivoting to Populism at 8/7/2008 4:15 PM EDT
Who is this 'Concerned-CitizenX' & why doesn't he have somewhere else to go.

Surely his fingers that "doth do protest too much" must be tired by now?

Obama,a Marxist? Your country is incapable of producing a contemporary political Marxist. Maybe a humanist? But, certainly not a Marxist.

Nevertheless, we in the rest of the world surely hope a populist-humanist is possible. Best for both the collective you and the ever invisible 'we'. For my part, 'we' wish you luck.

God Bless America, about time you make a presidential choice that works, firstly for you, and secondly for the greater good.

BTW 'Concerned-RightistX' - think you should take a break. Petty accusations and woeful recriminations are best suited to an elementary schoolyard. You need a time out.

Comment on: Pivoting to Populism at 8/7/2008 3:09 PM EDT
"Populism: A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite."

Well, who would'a thunk it!

How could Ruth (who attended Yale, wrote "for the National Law Journal before attending Harvard Law" and, who "met her husband in the classic Washington way... [as he] was working for a senator on the Judiciary Committee") feel any differently?

Of course, she must decry the usury employment of 'populism' by any candidate seeking the highest office in your 'democratic' land?

This woman is interested in but one thing: Who will protect the elite?

Shame on her and the transparent turgid text she proffers.

Head-shakingly yours in Canada.

p.s. Is this really what now passes for "opinion" nowadays? As Lenin once asked when another elite became so entrenched in the fabric of another nation at a political crossroads: "What is to be Done?"

Tell me Mrs. Ruth- what is to be done? Surely, more than you are doing to frame arguments.

Comment on: The Many Gifts of Tim Russert at 6/14/2008 11:36 AM EDT
If it’s Sunday Morning...

Kids are up,

dog comes in.

Coffee's on,

let day begin.

Eggs a frying, dog a-barkin',
bacon for one and all ...
we are fed,
paper gets read...
it's the same -

Now Dad's political predilection is a sweet addiction and he feeds it every week.

Time to be with MTP -
he wants to hear Tim's take.

With an election season defying reason;
Clarity’s a must.
Be it candidate,
pundit or obsfucating bore:
all must have their poop together as they join Tim on the interview floor.

On point & fair -
the best anywhere-
Prepared & schooled –
Tim didn’t wanna see America get fooled...

Whether right or left,
from east or west,
Russert was without peer - he was why, each Sunday, we gathered near.


coffee will be on,

day will begin,

hard to believe ... without him.

God bless.

I'll miss you Tim.
********************* Fin **************************

Whew, that 'cut & Paste' only took me two hours! Frig, I gotta' learn how this stuff works!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really- is that all you had to say?